Picture Preserves

About Picture Preserves

When my Mother was diagnosed with terminal cancer, I wanted to scan in my Father's old slides so that I could create a slide show for the visitation at her funeral. Then it dawned on me - create the slide shows now, share them while she was still with us, create new family memories .

And I did. 

There were many evenings of laughter and tears while watching the slide shows created from the pictures I had scanned in. 

If you allow me to, I will treat your Grandparents photo albums, your parents slides and your home movies as if they were mine. 

I will help you take your family memories out of storage, converting your photo albums, slides and analog home movies to digital format, creating DVD slide shows and DVD movies and more memories.

You don't need to do all your pictures at one time. You don't need to have someone else do them...just do it, don't wait for a funeral.